Will ferrell night at the roxbury
Will ferrell night at the roxbury

Even when they find two girls that are actually interested in them, they can't help nearly blowing it. No Social Skills: Doug and Steve are very aggressive, creepy, and thickheaded in their attempts to pick up girls.Lousy Lovers Are Losers: When Steve and Doug have sex with Vivica and Cambi, it's a disappointing experience for the girls, given they both lasted less than a minute, but they don't care and are more concerned with congratulating each other on getting laid.Gold Digger: Cambi and Vivica, who take Doug and Steve's V-cards midway through the movie, only do so because they assume they are rich.Funny Background Event: During the scene where Doug and Steve load the truck with plants, Doug is angrily firing the plants into the van while Steve is talking to Emily, then when Kamehl Butabi is sucking up to Emily's father, Doug is mimicking him behind his back.Kamehl: He's in the guesthouse, it's ten feet away, it's a mansion in there! First World Problems: Steve worries about Doug's lack of amenities when Doug moves into the poolhouse.Butabi disapproves of his sons' desire to open a nightclub, instead trying to push them toward a future of working in his fake plant store. At the end of the file, this streak is technically never broken, thanks to their inadvertent masterminding of a nightclub whose inside looks like its outside and vice-versa, meaning that they've technically turned the world into a nightclub and been thrown out of it! Failure Is the Only Option: The protagonists always fail to get into nightclubs.Erotic Eating: Emily tries this on Steve, but fails.After Doug interrupts Steve's wedding at the last second, things quickly take a turn for the better and everything the brothers had been wishing for quickly falls into their lap. Earn Your Happy Ending: After some initial success halfway through the movie, all of Doug and Steve's plans quickly unravel, causing a rift between them and allowing their father to push Steve into marrying Emily.Oh, and I don't mean that metaphorically." Vivicia: Doug, if I told you you had a beautiful body, would you hold it against me?

Will ferrell night at the roxbury